Wedding Photography
Our Services Overview
Wedding photography packages
At Love Film Studio, we are glad to provide a professional and affordable pre-wedding and wedding photography and video packages for you. Every wedding photographer and videographer in our studio is proud to record every unique moment, including pre-wedding and wedding, that meet every couple’s needs.
Our wedding photography prices are below. Please have a look through the list, and the number of photographer, photography time, USB disk and extras in every price are customized to meet your requirements and budget.
Package One
The essential $1,198
- 6 hours photography coverage
- One photographer
- One enlargement print 14*11 inch
- One enlargement print 20*16 inch
- Unlimited images taken
- All photos on USB
- Pre-wedding consultation with photographer
With Album $1,498
- 12X8 inch (20 sides) Luxury leather bound album
Package Two
The extensive $1,898
- 10 hours photography coverage
- One photographer
- One enlargement print 20*16 inch
- One enlargement print 36*24 inch
- Unlimited images taken
- All photos on USB
- Pre-wedding consultation with photographer
With Album $2,398
- 18X12 inch (20 sides) luxury leather bound album
Package Three
The polished $2,798
- 14 hours photography coverage
- Two photographer
- One enlargement print 20*16 inch
- One enlargement print 36*24 inch
- Unlimited images taken
- All photos on USB
- Pre-wedding consultation with photographer
With Album $3,298
- 18X12 inch (20 sides) luxury leather bound album
Our Promotion
Getting married on Monday to Friday? Book with us and get 1 extra hour of photography service for free!
When your wedding is on weekday, our Love Film team is certainly fully motivated and has so much enthusiastic energy for your big day!
Love Film is currently one more hour extended photography coverage(only booking photography service) for you with only one condition. Your big day is on weekday(public holiday not included)? Say yes with us!
*Terms & Conditions Apply
Promotions are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash. And cannot be combined with any other offer or discounts or promotions offered by Love Film studio.
Please Note
*Aerial Drone Filming is available for additional $200, conditions apply.
*We are happy to customize our packages, so that you can get what exactly what you need.
Please contact us for more information.